BEYOND CRIOPURA is the result of a partnership between three CNR institutes, the Institute for Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials (IPCB), the Institute for Biomolecular Chemistry (ICB) and the Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems (IMM). CrioPurA is a patented technology based on polymeric cryogels that are effective in removing potentially toxic elements such as arsenic, chromium and boron from water. The material is employed for water purification and treatment and for the recovery of high value-added compounds (such as metals, phosphates) to reintroduce into the market, by achieving the circular economy target.
Investing in Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) ranging from 3 to 5 requires a careful assessment of the potential of the technology and the team. Due to the low maturity of these projects, these projects require a de-risking process to be carried out directly at the University and Research Center. Eureka! TT S.r.l. is the Italian limited responsibility company fully owned by “Eureka! Fund I – Technology Transfer that acts on behalf of the Fund, in providing financial resources to the pre-company, Proof-of-Concept (“POC”) projects, as well as in monitoring the advancement and the results of such investments.
The resources provided by Eureka! are given to the University and Research Center, in order to develop the technology, increase TRL and support the team of the “to-be entrepreneurs” in proving their ideas are sustainable. Successful projects will be then span-out into new start-ups. Eureka! TT can effectively bridge the gap between the need for a market-driven test and a University-like environment.